Review questionnaire

WP4 SELINA Task 4.1.b: Semi-systematic review of uptake and uncertainties in scientific literature

Contact: David Barton, Franziska Walther

For a more detailed description of the questions view the Guidance Manual

General information

First, please read the title and abstract only, and answer the following questions:

G1. Is the study an application of an ecosystem services (ES) assessment?
G1a. Was the paper published between 2018 and 2023?

Please read the full-text before answering the subsequent questions.

G2. Which method(s) were used to assess ES?

multiple answers possible

G3. Which types of ecosystem (dis-)services are addressed within the study?

multiple answers possible

G4. How many different ecosystem (dis-)services were actually assessed in the paper?


Formulating a research problem (and defining the system to study) goes along with linguistic uncertainty (vagueness, context dependence, ambiguity, indeterminacy of theoretical terms, and under-specificity) as people can have a different understanding of one and the same word.

S1. Does the study address linguistic uncertainty? i

multiple answers possible

S2. Does the paper use scenarios? i
S3. Which drivers do(es) the scenario(s) describe?

multiple answers possible

S4. Which type of scenario(s) is used?
S5. How were the scenarios developed?


M. Does the study perform model(s)?
M1. Models i can be deterministic or include methods to produce a range of outcomes. Select the option that applies: ...
M2. Were causal relationships modelled across concepts in the DPSIR chain?

specify which DPSIR nodes; 2 or more

M3. Does the study include information on the random variation of the ...
a. Input data to the ecosystem service model(s)?
b. ecosystem service model outcome(s)?
M4. Does the study include a validation of the input or model parameters and/or model outcome?

multiple answers possible

M5. Which type(s) of data is/are used in the modeling of ecosystem services?
M6. Does the data collection include…?
M7. Does the data used and/or produced consist of classes/categories/discrete intervals?
M7a. If yes, Does the study use or reference specific method(s) for classification?
M8. Does the study perform an error propagation analysis?

multiple answers possible

M9. Does the study mention missing data/values?
M9a. If yes, do the researchers specify on how they dealt with missing data/values?
M10. Does the input dataset consist of repeated measurements in time?


D1. What is/are the purpose(s) of the study?

multiple answers possible

D2. Does the study refer to a specific policy/policies (e.g. Water Framework Directive, …)?
D3. Does the study area stretch across jurisdictions/administrative areas?
D4. Does the study state that it is transferable to other sites or generalizable/scalable to a wider area?
D5. Does the study provide documentation of the intended entry point on project/policy cycle?
D6. Does the study discuss any issues with the timeliness of the study?

multiple answers possible

D7. Does the study document the spatial and/or temporal resolution required for making decisions/policies?
D8. Does the study discuss a mismatch between the spatial and/or temporal resolution of the data and the resolution required by the decision?

multiple answers possible

D9. Accessibility of...

You do not need to do any research, just rely on the information provided in the study.

D9a. (input) data

multiple answers possible

multiple answers possible

D9b. (model) results

multiple answers possible

multiple answers possible


G6. To what extent is uptake of ES assessment documented?


G7. Were stakeholders involved in the study?
G7a. If yes, at which stage(s)?

multiple answers possible

G7b. If yes, who was involved?

multiple answers possible

The paper explicitly mentions the involvement of:

G7c. If yes, what criteria were used to select stakeholders for participation?

multiple answers possible

G7d. What roles have stakeholders played during the research process?

multiple answers possible

Comment section
Indicate your personal uncertainty (as reviewer) answering the questionnaire:

Thank you for completing this review.